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The Good Samaritan Law in CT

In Connecticut, there are Good Samaritan Laws that are designed to protect and encourage all individuals - professionals and persons within the general community - to help others during an emergency. These laws offer certain protections to individuals involved in emergency situations.

Situations where the Good Samaritan Law Applies:

There are different situations in which the Good Samaritan Law is important. Not all of the situations involve substance use.

  • Providing emergency assistance
  • Providing first aid
  • Administering Epinephrine Cartridges (EpiPens)
  • Prescribing or administering an opioid antagonist/naloxone (Narcan®)
  • Seeking care for a drug overdose
  • Rescuing a child or animal from a motor vehicle

Prescribing or Administering Opioid Antagonists - Naloxone

  • In most situations, Connecticut law protects all individuals, if acting with reasonable care, to administer naloxone to someone if they believe, in good faith, that the person is experiencing an opioid-related overdose. The law typically gives civil and criminal immunity to such a person regarding the administration of the naloxone or opioid antagonist. 

Source: CT Department of Public Health